More photos of Door from a Dumpster

Here's the door, primed and hung. The deadbolt is a fake deadbolt. It fit the old hole.

Here is a before-and-after. Notice how dark and cramped the little back-porch/laundry room is (that has nothing to do with all the stuff we've crammed in it) and then I open the steel back door (it opens all the way, there's just too much Stuff Meant to Live in a Shed behind it) . Voila! sunlight yet the animals and the AC can't escape. Dreamy fall afternoons here we come! It's like those 20's ads where the housewife is living in bliss because of the gloriousness of her kitchen.

As awkwardly as that washer and dryer are positioned, this 7-years-long apartment renter does think they are the best thing ever. When we come in from a hard day under the house or bailing water from our car, we can strip at the back door and pop the clothing into the washer.

Someday we'll get an on-demand, wall-mount water heater, move the electric panel, re-do the walls because patching cheap paneling is ugly, and can then move washer/dryer to the left. Half of the wall behind the washer/dryer is a large window opening that's been closed over with concrete board. One of our fantasies is to knock out this wall as well as the adjoining bedroom wall and make one big room. We wouldn't be able to finance this before we become an historic area next year, though. Add some more months-long steps with reviewing comittees and application fees.

I was encouraging Pepper to try out the new door!


Anonymous said...

Nice. I still remember how big a deal it was for us to set glass in our own back door that enters our kitchen. The PO had put plywood in where the glass had originally been, for security I suppose, but the added light (and windshield-grade security glass) is certainly more comforting from our perspective.

StuccoHouse said...

It looks great. How cute is Pepper! Even she/he looks impressed by the new door.

Anonymous said...

Pep looks small
